If you want Simon to work with you on equality and diversity…

Simon Fanshawe

Simon has developed a new approach to equality and diversity and can work with your organization to:

  • develop a DIVERSITY FRAMEWORK with you which will drive diversity as a talent strategy for your organisation (rather than just a set of initiatives)
  • enthuse and engage your staff that this work is core to your organisation’s mission
  • tackle unfairness and discrimination – your DIVERSITY DEFICITS – as well as then, unleashing that talent, help you to realise the DIVIDEND from DIVERSITY
  • avoid sheep dip training, top down directives,  clichés, slogans in favour of effective work that enthuses and engages all your staff that this work is core to your organisation’s mission.

Too often when you mention equality and diversity people have one of four reactions: they leave the room, fall asleep, get resentful or revert to type. Our job is to prevent that ever happening. Because this is vital work, not just because it is about correcting injustice and discrimination but also because it will help your people to collaborate and work together better and  that produces greater performance.

We will also take a pragmatic view and help you to construct achievable change within agreed timetables. With our method your staff will never feel overwhelmed by the task and end up simply ticking the box. Simon’s approach is the catalyst that will lift the fog, speak in plan language so your staff can relate and help your organization to be far more effective.

Simon is working with a Roy Hutchins. Together they are Diversity by Design https://diversitybydesign.co.uk

Organisations using our approach and process have told us that they end up knowing so much more about their core mission, their customers and their staff and therefore being far more successful with each.

We have worked with:

  • 18 NHS Trusts
  • Anglian Water
  • BIG Lottery
  • Coventry City Council
  • Costa Coffee
  • Chubb Insurance
  • GCHQ
  • Home Group
  • Leeds Building Society
  • Places for People
  • The Scouts
  • UCL
  • University of Edinburgh
  • Sheffield University

You can read about the approach in a couple of reports:

You Can’t Put me in a Box, publishedby The Institute of Public Policy Research. It rang a lot of bells with a lot of people. See what you think… download here.

Diversity – the new prescription for the NHS


To get beyond the tick-box and into real diversity and true inclusion

If you’d like to find out abut how we work and how we can work with you to make equality and diversity meaningful and manageable in achieving your core mission, then please contact Simon.


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